Weirdest regional season
There's the amount of tournaments, there's the interference from System Open's, there's a new FAQ. There's a meta that doesn't know what to do with itself.
# of tournaments
Somehow it feels there are very few tournaments in Belgium this season. I'll list them up:
- 25/02/2018 Aalst De Hermelijn (24/32)
- 11/03/2018 Mechelen Spelfanaat (44/40)
- 24/03/2018 Seneffe Cartazimut (42/40)
This are only 3 confirmed regionals. It feels that last year we had at least twice the amount. Lets just hope that this is just a lapse and we can get more tournaments going again the following years.
Luckily our dutch neighbors also have a list of tournaments. 3 weeks ago I attended the one at Dice and Legends in Amersfoort (taking third place) and this weekend I will be going to Subcultures in Utrecht.
System Open's
There's a whole bunch of System Open qualifiers going on together with this regional season. There are currently 6 in Europe! I'm planning on attending 2 of these. The one in Birmingham and the one in Paris. So I hope to see you there!
What feels off is the timing. It coincides with regional season (or we're all just really, really late). I understand as a TO it's difficult to change dates once your venue is booked. At least the meta's seem to be similar. It doesn't matter if it's a System Open or a regional. You want to bring your A-list.
So three weeks ago we were in this new meta. Wave 12/13 had just hit and no-one knew what to expect. I flew a Ghost Wookie combo first introduced by Dee from the Mynock Squadron Podcast. The lists I encountered were diverse and strange. There were several forms of imperial aces, sometimes backed up by Alpha-class Star Wings. There were double Shadowcasters. There were other Ghosts, there were Kylo's. There even was a Bistan :).
What I mean is. The amount of different lists was huge. And then Miranda/Nym happened. For 2 weeks the only thing you heard on any podcast, Facebook post or Reddit was 'Trajectory Simulator', 'Genius', 'Miranda', 'Captain Nym'. But having played against it only in a casual setting I can't really comment on how strong it is. It does feel dirty.
And now our new FAQ overlords have arrived. And the world shall be whole again. I'm really curious to see which lists will be played tomorrow in Utrecht.
"The Meta"
These are my predictions. They're probably wrong, so don't worry about them. Or do. I can't tell you want to do...
- Alpha-class Star Wings + an ace. All loaded up with Harpoon's and other ordinance.
- Miranda/Nym. Players that have put in the reps won't really be bothered by the changes to Trajectory Simulator. The list might have lost a little bit of it's punch, but I'm pretty sure it will prevail.
- Rebel Fenn Rau. Apparently he's good. Haven't really played with or against him. So could be interesting to find out.
- Any form of Ghost + Wookie (or Fenn Rau). The evolution of Kanan/Biggs. My current favorite list. Tomorrow I'll be flying an adaptation of last week's Chopper/Lowhhrick.
- RAC/Something. A combination of Rear-Admiral Chiraneau + something. There are some really good playing flying this.
- Plot Armor. With unsinkable Poe using R2-D2.
- Weird stuff. Kimogila Fighters, X-wings, Firesprays. Everything coming out of the cupboard, enhanced with the new toys from wave twelvethirteen.
So good luck to all those going to tournaments. Have fun and fly casual!
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