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Invincibility lies in the defense

Invincibility lies in the defense

Or not....

But first the introduction! This weekend's tournament was at Outpost Brussels. It's basically my X-wing home away from home and I have competed in more tournaments here than anywhere else. Organization is always top-notch and next to the FFG door-prizes (Engine Upgrade and Integrated Astromech/R2-D2) we also got a bunch of custom-made acrylic tokens. 

My list was not one of the original six. With the addition of an extra Store Championship I was able to use this tournament to try out wave XI. The list contains the very-high defense combo of Biggs and Lowhhrick. Added to them is some alpha-strike potential with Nera Dantels. It's not the new fur-ship rebels that became popular in the last week (with Rex and Jess Pava). Main reason for this, as I'm not afraid of netlisting, is that fur-ship rebels wasn't as popular yet when we had to send in our lists almost 2 weeks ago.

Sending in your lists beforehand is quite common here in Belgium. I believe there are 2 reasons for this. 1) It confirms your (non-)attendance to the organizer, who can allow people from the waiting list if needed. It's also a mental clue for people to think: 'Oh yeah, I'm subscribed for this. Can I actually go?' 2) Organizers here are nice and will print your list for you. Usually twice, so you have one for you and one for your opponent. In an environment where not all cards are in english this supplies a more common experience to all players. Then again. a week-and-half in advance is too long. But it was due to personal reasons of the organizer and will not happen again next time.

Round 1 (Arnault)

Again I failed to get pictures of my opponent's lists. There is something with setting up the laptop, playing and focussing on taking notes for the blog all together that is too much. A laptop you ask? Yes! I recorded again. And my first game is viewable. Might make for a better report then the next alinea.

My opponent was flying a similar list. It was Biggs and Lowhhrick in the same setup combined with Thane Kyrell. First engagement is difficult for me as I will not have a target lock on Nera (common actions are: focus or target lock on Biggs, reinforce on Lowhhrick and Jyn's ability on Nera to give Biggs up to 2 focus tokens and an evade token.

In that first engagement I only lost a shield on Biggs. Second round of shooting went a lot better for me, with the plasma torpedo and some very lucky rolls I was almost able to take out Biggs while taking almost no damage in return. But then I'm outmaneuvered and make some poor decisions with Nera, pulling her out formation which gets her killed and at that point it's pretty much game over.

LOSS 32-69

Round 2 (Steve)

I played Steve in Namur as well. His list hasn't changed and consisted of a K-wing Warden with bombs, Miranda with TLT and a TLT Y-wing stressbot.

The game went really well for me. Sure a cluster mine went of in Bigg's face before we even started shooting, but I was able to bring the Warden to 1 hull. Biggs regenerates some health with his droid and I can take out the Y-wing. Miranda is also damaged and Steve is moving away to regenerate his Miranda. However I still have a plasma torpedo left and am able to take down the K-wings without losing a ship.

WIN 100-0

Round 3 (Romain)

Romain was flying the new Imperial A-holes. Omega Leader, Quickdraw and Colonel Vessery. Honestly I don't remember much about this game and I'm truly sorry for that Romain. I was not able to do enough damage and got seriously ass-whooped.. 

LOSS 0-100

Round 4 (Xavier)

Another game where my opponent was just better than me. Xavier flew Captain Nym (autoblaster/AC and bomblet/genius), N’Dru Suhlak (cruise missiles) and a Contracted Scout (plasma torpedoes, Cad Bane and proximity mines) .All also had attanni mindlink. 

First round of combat I focussed on the Scout as it was the target of opportunity. Scout turns away and it out of combat for a few round but I can't continue focus-fire on it. Next shot goes at the Z-95 which survives at one health, so it can shoot for another round. Nera dies, without shooting one of her torpedoes (good range control by Xavier). This is mostly due to the unblockable damage coming out of Nym. 

So the scout is damaged, N'Dru is almost dead and Lowhhrick sacrifices herself to save Biggs, who still dies in the end. According to Juggler I scored 34 points but I can't figure out what on Xavier's list adds up to 34 points.

So I contacted him over facebook and if needed we will supply the correct score to the organisers. So self-lesson there. Always write clearly and double-check the results. (Note that with two players at 1-2 the final result will not really matter. Maybe I go up or down one place in the standings, but no top-cut was involved. It's just the fiddly nature of MoV.

Final result is 39-100. Blame it on my poor handwriting. Not an issue though.

LOSS 39-100

Final result: 23rd out of 30 players.

It might be obvious from this blogpost that I did not really enjoy the list. This does not mean I did not enjoy the games or the players, but the list just isn't my thing. It's slow and feels like it doesn't do enough damage. Overall I prefer hammers over scalpels when it comes to lists. It's one of the reasons this blogpost is so late. But there are 2 more Store Championships coming with 2 more lists remaining. Already deciding on what to fly after. Do you have any ideas? 


  1. Enjoyable read, thanks for posting.

  2. I agree, it's not the most fun list to play: all actions are meant top protect Biggs, except Biggs' own target lock. You can't do much manouvering because you want Lowhhrick to stay close to Biggs, so no k-turns, stay clear of rocks, ...

    In general, not my kind of list


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