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Win fast, lose faster

Win fast, lose faster

Yesterday was the store championship at Outpost Ghent. There were 18 people attending. As per the rules of my challenge I flew a new list. This time it was Dengar-Tel. It's an insanely strong and fast alpha-strike list and there's obviously a reason Justin used this list to win the world championships. I did slightly worse, but still managed to take 4th place against some really enjoyable wave 11 lists. 

Round 1: TIE Aggressor

First round was against Gertjan. A new player who brought Double Edge, Lt. Kestal and Backdraft. His Kestal was pushed up to PS 9 with Veteran Instincts. He chose initiative and this turned out a mistake as he moved first, with the Lt in front, and I slowly rolled into range 3, got a target lock on both jumps with K4. Now that first round of shooting only Lt. Kestal had  range, took 2 shields of one jump with TLT. I promptly returned fire with 2 plasma torpedoes and deleted one Aggressor. I'm afraid things went poorly after that and he was only able to do another 2 damage to the other Jumpmaster.  WIN 100-0

Round 2: Dash/Poe

Thomas was flying a kitted out Dash with HLC and the Outrider title and PS9 Poe with among other things the Black One title. Thomas chose to take initiative and again this turned out a mistake, which we figured out later...

2 Jumpmasters focused fire on Dash, which promptly bit the dust, after almost wiggling down Tel. Then a cat and mouse game started with Poe boosting and barrel rolling to remove any leftover target locks. But as both Jumpmasters moved after him they had one anyway thanks to K4. I was able to be a bit more aggressive with Tel as he had not yet used his ability and both Jumps killed Poe with the last plasma torpedo. WIN 100-20

Round 3: Dengar/Nym

It's a bomb meta. Michel was flying a PS 10 Nym with Bomblet Generator and an accuracy corrected Autoblaster Turret, combined with Expertise Dengar with Cad Bane and Proximity Mines. Basicly the same strategy. I was slow rolling (one forward, barrel roll back) while Michel  came in blazing, trying to drop some bombs. Second round of combat put us close together with mines, bomblets and autoblasters going of left and right, hurting friend and foe. Bit like Euron's attack in the last Game of Thrones.

In that second round of combat I was able to kill Nym with Dengar return shot and third round of combat gave me some really lucky rolls where I was able to kill Michel's Dengar while my Dengar survived by one health. WIN 100-29

Round 4: Reygun

The tournament is rounding up and me and Corentin are the only ones remaining with 3 wins. My MoV is excellent, having lost only 49 points. Corentin is flying Rey with Kanan/Sloop and Finn and Jan Ors with Pulsed Ray Shield and TLT. 

I read Corentin's cards, I know his list as he has been playing it for a while and I somehow got Rey pilot and Rey crew mixed up. So instead of slow rolling I rushed in to deny him stacking tokens (which he could not do). He anticipated and I ended up out of arc and stuck in a rather perfect block. Without the torpedoes this list's alpha strike potential is a lot smaller. Corentin's list kept his high damage output and I lost fast. LOSS 31-100

Top 4 cut consists of Corentin, which was the only 4-0, Michel with Dengar/Nym, Jacob also with Dengar/Nym and me with a MoV of 582 making me the best 3-1.

Top 4: Michel

Honestly. I don't remember much of this match as it was over so quick. General setup was the same as our previous game, but Michel lured me into focus firing on Dengar instead of Nym. His combined damage from bomblets and Dengar return shots left me crippled, we traded Dengar's.

Then the Engine upgrade on his Nym proved valuable as he was able to consistently boost into range one and out-damage me with his autoblaster/accuracy corrector. LOSS 57-100

I'm finally understanding why this list is so powerful. The alpha strike potential is just bonkers. especially in a meta dominated by 2-ship lists. However. if you can dish out damage you can also take it and range-control is crazy important. It's a list I will try again later in a tournament setting, though this might be once the dust from Wave 11 has settled.

Full results and lists for the tournament are available on List Juggler. Join me next week in Brussels as I do a 180° turn and go full defensive. 

What do you think of Wave 11? Let me know in the comments below. 


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