So Worlds is over.
First of all congratulations to fellow Belgian Nand Torfs, making it to the final table 2 championships in a row. And of course congratulations to Justin Phau becoming the fourth World Champion of X-wing. You join a gallery of great men and great ambassadors for the game.
I hope you, just like I did, had an amazing weekend of playing x-wing and following the Gold Squadron Podcast and Fantasy Flight twitch streams. Looking at these streams is not just entertainment. It is also a moment to learn. You get to see what squadrons are popular and what works well against specific squadrons. If you didn't get to follow FFG provides handy little overviews on their twitter feed.
You can also look at the amazing list juggler and meta-wing websites. These sites show you which list are played and how well they performed. It's then up to you to do research and playtesting to determine what fits your particular playstyle and what goes well against the expected meta at your next tournament.
Or maybe you can do a 'Nandje' and come up with an entire new list that is a perfect meta-call to cruise you to the final table. And in that case maybe can help you complete that perfect combo.
And if you are going to the European Championships be sure to check out Alex Watkins' post on facebook containing the timetable of the events.
Have fun playtesting! Leave any comments below.