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Setting up Kanan/Biggs


In my last few tournaments I had reasonable success with a Kanan/Biggs list. The initial version of the list brought me a second place at the Brussels Regional in February. This is the full list.

It is not always obvious how to fly Kanan/Biggs as there are several variations. Some focus on using the powerful 5-dice range 1 primary of the VCX-100. However in this version of the list I rather rely on the double Twin Laser Turret attack to do damage. This means trying to keep the enemy in range 2-3.

Synergies in the list

Kanan/Recon Specialist: Every turn you do a focus action on the Ghost. This gives you 2 focus tokens to use Kanan's ability. Having the enemy roll one die less greatly decreases his offensive capabilities.

Biggs/Kanan/Tactical Jammer: Keeping Biggs hidden behind your Ghost will give him an additional green die. Together with Kanan's ability this improves his defense.

Twin Laser Turret/Fire Control System: It is true that since the timing chart was introduced this combo has been less powerful. You are only able to gain your target lock after executing both attacks in step 9 of the timing chart. The same thing goes for Tactician. However you are able to use the target lock during the end-of-combat TLT attack and you will have another target lock available for the next round.

Ezra/Hera/Wired: Should it be necessary to eject the Attack Shuttle (Phantom) then don't be afraid of stress. This Ezra build just LOVES stress.

Brussels Regional

As said earlier. This build got me second place in the Brussels Regional. As always an amazing event thanks to the crew of R2T3. This event has been a while. I'm trying to remember all my opponents. Hope I don't screw up here :-) Note that I am using the nicknames found on List Juggler and TableTopTournaments

Round 1 - LordMurata

I remember this list contained a Decimator and The Inquisitor. Biggs died, as he usually does and I made the mistake of targeting The Inquisitor as I saw him as the most dangerous target. While that was true he also was the most slippery target due to Autothrusters. LOSS

Round 2 - RookiePilot

My second round opponent flew Rey (with the Millennium Falcon 2.0 title, Kanan and Finn) and an ARC-170, I think Norra .I remember Rey dying to Biggs and double TLT attacks. Then Kanan was out of the fight (he took a few turns to turn around) and Biggs was chasing the ARC and managed to kill it. This turned out to be my only 100-0 win of the day. WIN

Round 3 - Aslar

This list was a combination of a Lothal Rebel and Rey. This puts 2 VCX-100's on the table which was quite a cool sight. I believe the Rey to be the same Kanan/Finn crew shenanigans. I was able to keep out of the Rebel's Autoblaster turret which then after 3/4 turns died to Biggs + double TLT. Ended up with a dead Biggs and half points lost on the Ghost but still WIN. 

Round 4 - Cartazimut

I was getting nervous as I don't usually do this well on tournaments. This list was an interesting combination of Palob, Bossk and 2 Z-95's with Feedback Array. Palob was stealing one of Kanan's focus tokens every turn so he had to go. I remember this being a very close game where at the end the Ghost was left at 2 or 3 health and during the last turns I was contemplating on whether or not to undock the Phantom. Still managed to draw out a WIN. 

A 3-1 record with 504 MoV left me in 6th place Swiss. So this was the first time I made to the cut of a tournament. Already an amazing day.

1/4 Final - Thiril

Thiril was playing his known, very dangerous combination of Kath Scarlet and Boba Fett. We played these lists before during practice and I managed to pull out wins during the practice games. Sadly this made my opponent a bit nervous. Yet what followed was an amazing game where I remember Boba going down fast. So it's Kath versus Kanan. And I know how dangerous she can be with that Engine Upgrade and Tail Gunner. In the end I managed to draw out a WIN. 

1/2 Final - Tyrt

Oh boy.... Third best ranked player in Belgium on T3 flying a list that he plans on taking to the Tatooine Open in Madrid. This might be trouble. List was the known Rey flanked by Jan Ors with Trick Shot, TLT, Chewbacca and Moldy Crow title. 

As far as the battle went I remember trading Biggs for Jan. Then Rey died to double TLT attacks. It's obvious this Kanan/Biggs version is very strong versus low agility ships with it's almost 4 damage per turn guaranteed. 

Final - Elda

Wait... Finals... What happened? Anyways. The other semi-final kept going for the full 75 minutes. So I had some downtime. This didn't turn out to be an advantage as I was nearly falling asleep when the finals started. Should've had that coffee... Anyways to Elda's list. He was flying triple defenders (Karabast!). One of the top lists of the moment and a really good player flying them. 

We set up in different corners. Elda flew his defenders down the left side of the map while I went upwards the right side. I turned in to the left to center of the map and met his defenders on the right side. We traded shots things were going pretty well with Biggs still alive until I turned back to my side of the map and ended up about a small ship base from the edge, facing it. Which meant that next turn I would not be able to make the 1-turn. So I safely deployed the shuttle. and send some final TLT shots in the direction of his Defenders. Next turn Ghost goes of the mat but I manage to trade it and Ezra for his Glaive and Ryad. And I made my second, more deadly mistake of the match. I pulled a double damage on Biggs and ignored to use Integrated Astromech. This left a 1 health Biggs vs a 5 health Col. Vessery. GG for Elda.

Again thanks to the Brussels team for organising a great event.

Do you have any other remarks? Leave them in the comments below!


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