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Showing posts from July, 2017

Win fast, lose faster

Win fast, lose faster Yesterday was the store championship at Outpost Ghent . There were 18 people attending. As per the rules of my challenge I flew a new list. This time it was Dengar-Tel . It's an insanely strong and fast alpha-strike list and there's obviously a reason Justin used this list to win the world championships. I did slightly worse, but still managed to take 4th place against some really enjoyable wave 11 lists.  Round 1: TIE Aggressor First round was against Gertjan. A new player who brought Double Edge, Lt. Kestal and Backdraft. His Kestal was pushed up to PS 9 with Veteran Instincts. He chose initiative and this turned out a mistake as he moved first, with the Lt in front, and I slowly rolled into range 3, got a target lock on both jumps with K4. Now that first round of shooting only Lt. Kestal had  range, took 2 shields of one jump with TLT. I promptly returned fire with 2 plasma torpedoes and deleted one Aggressor. I'm afraid things went poorly ...

Something old, something new

Something old, something new Today I went to the lovely Store Championship of Namur. It was organised by ZFMSC  and Imaginarium . The tournament itself was hosted across the store in the burger-bar City Break , a pretty trendy place with good music and an overall fun atmosphere. And during lunch break we had an amazing hamburger! 34 people were attending, among them a former World-Champion. As per the challenge : I flew one of my previously introduced lists. This week it was triple Defenders . The list is pretty straightforward. Ryad and the Onyx Squadron Pilot supply target locks for Vessery. Vessery is free to barrel roll or take a defensive focus every turn since the free target lock and Expertise give him every possible attack modifier imaginable. However when Vessery is the only one left it's pilot ability becomes useless. Round 1 Chewbacca - Kanan A proof of this is already present in the first round. The opponent was running Chewbacca with Predator, Gunne...

Swag, swag, SWAG!

Swag, swag, SWAG! No Store Championship this weekend, so this blog post is all about swag! Everyone loves swag! Don't you love swag? I love swag! And lately more and more players have taken to handing out custom (non-official) alternative art cards in tournaments. (I'm trying to start the movement in Belgium) It's in no way a requirement and no-one will look at you dirty if you don't bring anything. It's just a little extra to be nice. Look at this picture of all amazing cards I was gifted by other players. So if you think you're kind of an artist or know someone who draws stuff and you're allowed to use their art, you can make these cards yourself pretty cheap! For those that want to, but have no idea on how to begin. Here's a small guide! Creating the card Today I'm going to show you the process by making an actual card out of this amazing picture of a TIE fighter I drew! I've long thought about which pilot to use, but ar...

Just keep swimming

Just keep swimming Alright. Last weekend's tournament at Cartazimut (Mons) didn't go as planned. I brought my Kanan/Biggs list from the European Championship and got destroyed. I ended up 17th out of 22 with a 1-3 record. What happened? Round 1 - Yassin - Jan/Keyan/Thane My opponent was a newer player which probably explains the unusual (at least for me) list. Jan with Predator, TLT and Nien Numb. Keyan with Advanced Sensors and Push the Limit and Thane with R2-D2 (droid), Alliance Overhaul title and Chopper. Going into the match I felt it would be rather easy. Having a double TLT shot with the Ghost would ensure me almost guaranteed 4 hits on those 1-agility ships. However Yassin flew way more aggressive then I  expected which meant I had to switch around targets every turn to have some use of that Fire Control Systems. I traded Keyan for Biggs and then a lot of the Ghost for Jan.  Ezra ejected before the Ghost blew up and I ended up chasing Thane. I was c...