First steps (into Store Championship season) On Sunday was the first Store Championship of the season in Belgium. It was in De Hermelijn in Aalst and had (a rather disappointing) turnout of only 6 people. I feel it was a combination of things. Several other tournaments were on the same day and the amazingly beautiful weather of the last few days might have cause some last-minute cancellations. But, as the saying goes, those absent were wrong. So with 6 people we went 3 rounds. No cut. Before the tournament started a lot of people were asking me which list I brought. So time to spoil list number 1. It's 4 TLT y-wings . I realize it's a controversial list and honestly occasionally I felt a bit dirty playing it. But I'll let the games speak for themselves. Round 1 - Thomas - Rey/Jan Rey with Expertise, Finn, Kanan, new Millennium Falcon title, Smuggling Compartment, Countermeasures and Scavenger Crane. Jan was wielding Twin Laser Turret, Wired, Lando ...